Question Bank - Agriculture Officer

Here's the question bank on all the agriculture officer topics.

Which method of irrigation is useful for sandy soils and shallow lands where land levelling is not possible?

Sub-surface irrigation
Drip irrigation
Sprinkler irrigation
Surface irrigation


The correct answer is Sprinkler irrigation. Explanation:Sprinkler irrigation is highly suitable for sandy soils where water lost through infiltration is high. Sprinkler irrigation is suitable to lands with combination of shallow soils and terrain that prevent proper land grading smoothing. Sprinkler irrigation system is adoptable almost all types of soils and terrains. Sprinkler irrigation can successfully irrigate high permeable soils that are difficult to irrigate using surface irrigation methods. Sprinkler irrigation is suitable to lands having steep slopes and erodible soils and undulating terrain that would be too costly to make smooth for use. As there is no overland flow, water is not moved on land surface, t method is suitable for irrigating all types of soils except very heavy clay. The fine-textured soils which have a low infiltration rate cannot be irrigated efficiently. ?Additional Information Sprinkler irrigation is one of the pressurized irrigation methods, in which water is sprayed into the air and fall on the ground surface somewhat resembling rainfall. The spray of water is developed by the flow of water under pressure through small orifices or nozzles. The pressure created by the pump, which causes the water to flow out through the sprinkler nozzle.

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