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Which of the following is the characteristic feature of Surati buffalo?
The correct answer is Sickle shape horns. Surati buffalo is a breed of water buffalo. Tracts of this breed are the Kaira and Baroda districts of Gujarat. Characteristics of the breed The surati buffalo is a medium-size animal with rusty brown or silver-grey body color. The barrel is wedge-shaped. The head is long with prominent eyes. The horns are sickle-shaped and flat. The horns grow in a downward and backward direction and then upward at the tip forming a hook. The skin is black or brown. Additional InformationThe surati buffalo is a dairy buffalo breed and raised mainly for milk production purposes. Well adapted and generally do very well in their local environment. They are seasonal breeders and their first calving is between 40 - 50 months with an inter calving period of 400 - 500 days. The milk yield ranges from 900 - 1300 kg. The peculiarity of the breed is the very high-fat percentage in milk (8 - 12%).
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