Question Bank - Banking & Financial Services

Here's the question bank on all the banking & financial services topics.

What is the estimated effective capital expenditure of the Central government in financial year 2022-23?

18 lakh crore
15 lakh crore
13.68 lakh crore
10.68 lakh crore


The correct answer is 10. 68 lakh crore. Effective capital expenditure of the Central government is estimated at Rs 10. 68 lakh crore in 2022-23. It is about 4. 1 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country. The public capital expenditure increased sharply by 35. 4 percent to 7. 50 lakh crore in 2022-23 from Rs 5. 54 lakh crore. The government has allocated Rs 1 lakh crore to assist the state government to accelerate overall investments in the economy in 2022-23. ?In NewsThe Union Minister for Finance & Corporate Affairs, Smt Nirmala Sitharaman tabled the Union Budget 2022-23 in Parliament today. The key highlights of the budget are as follows:?Indias economic growth is estimated at 9. 2% to be the highest among all large economies. 60 lakh new jobs to be created under the productivity linked incentive scheme in 14 sectors. PLI Schemes have the potential to create an additional production of Rs 30 lakh crore. Entering Amrit Kaal, the 25 years long lead up to India @100, the budget provides the impetus for growth along with four priorities:PM GatiShaktiInclusive DevelopmentProductivity Enhancement & Investment, Sunrise opportunities, Energy Transition, and Climate ActionFinancing of investments

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