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Which of the following promotes socio-emotional learning in the classroom?
Learning is not something that takes place within the boundaries of a classroom; rather it takes place anywhere, anytime, and from anyone.Traditional Indian Literature has examples where people learned from trees, mountains, rivers, insects, etc. It means learning is something that is possible anywhere.The socio-emotional environment determines to a great extent the future course of learning and development. As the child grows, the contours of personal and social space for interaction expand.School climate is a leading factor in explaining student learning and achievement but apart from academic learning, it is important to focus on the socio-emotional needs of the students in an educational setup.Social-emotional capacities include the management of emotions and the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with others.By focusing on the socio-emotional needs of the students, schools can remove those socio-emotional problems which hinder the learning and ultimately the success of students. An empathetic and listening teacher promotes socio-emotional learning in the classroom as a teacher is liked by students when he/she listens to their problems.Students are curious in nature and they feel good when someone shows empathy and interest in answering their questions relating to every field. It also boosts their confidence to explore their knowledge.They connect to that teacher in a better way and don't hesitate to ask for any kind of help. It is the moral duty of a teacher to always listen to the problems of students.Thus, it is concluded that an empathetic and listening teacher promotes socio-emotional learning in the classroom.
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