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Consider the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) based error detecting scheme having the generator polynomial X3 + X + 1. Suppose the message m4m3m2m1m0 = 11000 is to be transmitted. Check bits c2c1c0 are appended at the end of the message by the transmitter using the above CRC scheme. The transmitted bit string is denoted by m4m3m2m1m0c2c1c0. The value of the check bit sequence c2c1c0 is
Answer: Option 2Concept:If the polynomial is of order n then the number bits generated by CRC generator is n + 1.Data:Message = m4m3m2m1m0 = 11000CRC polynomial =X3+X+1 Explanation:CRC polynomial = 1.X3+ 0.X2 + 1.X+ 1.X0 ? 1011Message bits will be 11000 000Calculation: Hence 100 will be appended to message bits (m4m3m2m1m0 = 11000).
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