Question Bank - EVS Pedagogy

Here's the question bank on all the evs pedagogy topics.

Bhusan wanted to integrate the theme 'Travel' in his language class of class II. What would you suggest as the most suitable resource for his classroom transaction

Audio-visual clip on travel
Poem on travel
Models on modes of travel
Children's own experiences of travel


Learning through experiences- Children and teenager learn through observation, hearing, exploration, experimentation and questioning. Children can learn about and interact the world around them through learning to explain and discuss concepts. These abilities lay the groundwork for children's interest in the learning, knowledge acquisition and establishing connections to the real life events. Importance of real life experiences in learningA synapsis or neural link is formed in a young Child's brain with each experience. The more experiences they have, the more synapses they develop. The more meaningful an experiences the more likely a child is to desire to repeat it. The link between the kid and the experience grows deeper and more permanent with each repetition and the child gains confidence and competence.Real-life examples show how knowledge and skills taught in the classroom can apply to students and society. Real-life examples can educate children to consider their decisions and how they fit into a larger cultural context.Making learning meaningful is important to children's understanding of the learning concepts and world around them. Teachers make learning meaningful when they link the new lesson to children's previous experiences, related concepts to children's lives and provide children with hands-on-learning.Classroom management issues will be much reduced because engagement will increase as a result of using real life connections in teaching. Students are less prone to act out if they're interested in learning something. Whereas using audio-visual clips, poems or models will create a short time effect on children's mind and can also result in indiscipline if children are not interested.Hence, it is clear from the above points that the most suitable resource for classroom transaction is children's own experience of travel.

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