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Games and riddles are important part of EVS teaching and learning as
Games and riddles- A game is an activity that engages children for amusement or fun whereas Riddle is a puzzling question phrased as a problem to be solved or guessed. Games, puzzles, displays, artifacts, films, posters, charts, puppets, etc. should be a part of an EVS classroom as it should be a child-centered and happy classroom where children get opportunities to observe, explore, and share experiences. Importance of games and riddles in EVS learning-Using games and riddles in the teaching-learning process can help foster students' participation, concentration, and focus and also helps in social and emotional learning.Activities play an important role for children to express themselves. Games and riddles can be an excellent approach to engage any student in a topic, not only do they push students to be active rather than being a passive listener but they can also improve the overall efficacy of the learning environment. Games and riddles allow learners to discover patterns on their own because it involves the active participation of children in constructing knowledge.It helps hand-eye coordination and also helps children who struggle with attention disorders.Engaging children in exploring, observing, and discovering the world around them helps in the process of construction of knowledge.Hence, it is clear from the above points that games and riddles are an important part of EVSteaching and learning as they allow learners to discover patterns on their own.
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