Here's the question bank on all the evs pedagogy topics.
The integrated nature of EVS helps to
Environmental Studies is a multidimensional subject that covers important principles from various academic fields. It is a broad field that studies the basic principles of EVS as well as associated subjects such as social science, science, language, mathematics, etc. EVS emphasizes the following points:The contents of EVS are organized thematically. Topics of both social studies and science are integrated because at the primary level students are not matured enough to study 'heavy' subjects like science and social science. Also, the reduced curriculum makes learning meaningful at primary stage.Provides scope for childrens expressions“oral and written and other creative expressions, etc.Children learn about their environment through exploring and experiencing it, gathering and analysing information based on their observations and experiences, and constructing their own knowledge, enriching and enhancing it.Learning is planned to progress from what the child already knows, to what is to be learnt, from local to global, or from the immediate environment to community and society and beyond.Chapters begin with key questions initiating children into thinking and constructing their own knowledge.Hence, we conclude that the integrated nature of EVS helps to ?reduce curriculum load and help children to learn meaningfully.
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