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A group of fish is called a:
The correct answer is school. A group of fish called a 'school'.The group of fish, in general, are also referred to as a shoal.Both words have evolved from the same common Dutch root. Important PointsA group of frogs is called Army. Additional InformationOther important groupsBats: a colony, cloud or campBears: a sloth or sleuthBees: a swarmBuffalo: a gang or obstinacyCamels: a caravanCats: a clowder or glaring; Kittens: a litter or kindle; Wild cats: a destructionCobras: a quiverCrows: a murderDogs: a pack; Puppies: a litterElephants: a paradeElk: a gang or a herdFlamingos: a standFrogs: an armyLions: a prideMoles: a laborMonkeys: a barrel or troopOwls: a parliamentRabbits: a herdRats: a colonyWhales: a pod, schoolWolves: a packZebras: a zeal
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