Question Bank - General Science

Here's the question bank on all the general science topics.

When Mendel cross-pollinated a tall pea plant and short pea plant, in the F1 generation,

50% of the progeny plants was short
75% of the progeny plants was short
100% of the progeny plants was short
0% of the progeny plants was short


The correct answer is 0% of the progeny plants was short.Concept:Monohybrid Cross: A cross between two types of plants of the same species considering only the transmission of one character is called a monohybrid cross.Explanation:Gregor Johann Mendel used the monohybrid cross to determine the dominant and recessive traits in the case of peas.He crossed true-breeding tall pea plants with true-breeding dwarf pea plants.The homozygous allele for the tall pea plant is represented by TT, and the homozygous allele for the short/dwarf pea plant is represented by tt.A monohybrid cross between the two plants results in the production of a heterozygous genotype (Tt).In terms of phenotype, the F1 generation has all tall pea plants, thus indicating that the tall trait is the dominant trait and the short trait is a recessive trait.Phenotype: It refers to the external appearance. Genotype: It refers to the genetic constitution i.e., the types of genes present in the organism. ?

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