Question Bank - Law Officer

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A ______ is a formal document containing an order of the court to the Government issued only by the High Court or the Supreme Court of India.



The correct answer is Writ.Article 32 of the Indian Constitution give every citizen right against violation of fundamental rights.Under Article 32, SC can issue writs to ensure the protection of fundamental rights.Under Article 226, HC can issue writs to ensure the protection of fundamental rights.Article 32 is referred to as Soul of the Constitution.Additional InformationTypes of Writs:WritProvisionHabeas Corpusit orders one person who has arrested another person to bring the body of the detained person before the courtMandamusissued against to order the public official who has failed to perform his duty or refused to do his duty, to resume his workProhibitionA higher court issues it to a lower court to prevent it from exceeding its jurisdiction that it does not possesCertiorariissued by a higher court to a lower court or tribunal ordering them to transfer a case pending with themQuo Warrantothe court enquires into the legality of a claim of a person to a public office

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