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CCA method of inflation accounting is as a result of the recommendation of?
The correct answer is Sandilands CommitteeSandilands Committee:The UK government established a committee chaired by Sir Francis Sandilands in 1975 to investigate the most acceptable manner to account for the effects of inflation in companies' published accounts. It supported current-cost accounting above the accountancy organisations' preferred current purchasing power accounting. During the 1980s and 1990s, current-cost accounting was widely abandoned due to the consequent decline in inflation. Important PointsCCA method (Current Cost Accounting) in Inflation Accounting i. e. , in the current cost account, the assets are given importance on the basis of fair market value, and not historical i. e. on cost basis when the immovable property was purchased. Under CCA, currency along with non-monetary goods are restored at current prices has done. This is the result of the recommendation of the Sandilands Committee. The chairman of this committee was Mr. Francis Sandilands.
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