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To arrive at the subscription income for a year, which of the following would you deduct from the amount of subscription received during the year ?
Subscription:In the case of a Not-for-profit organization Subscription is the main source of income. A subscription is basically the amount of money paid by the members on a periodic basis for keeping their membership with the organization continue. It may be paid monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or annually by the members. In Receipts and payment Account it is shown in the Receipts side after making necessary adjustments related to the subscription. In computing the amount of subscription for the current period, advance subscription received for the current period in the previous period and outstanding subscription for the current period are added to the subscription received during the current period, on the other hand, advance subscription received for the next accounting period during the current period and outstanding subscription for the preceding period are deducted from the subscription received during the current period. Calculation of SubscriptionSubscription received during the year (+) Subscription received (in advance) during the previous yearfor current year(+) Subscription outstanding at the end of the year(-) Subscription received in advance for the next year(-) Subscription outstanding for the previous yearSubscription is shown in Income and Expenditure Account - ---- --Therefore, to arrive at the subscription income for a year, Subscriptions received in advance for the following year will be deducted from the amount of subscription received during the year.
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