Question Bank - Child Development and Pedagogy

Here's the question bank on all the child development and pedagogy topics.

As an infant Raghav was deprived of personal affection. In his late childhood, he found considerate teachers. Yet, he has issues trusting people and lacks courage to take risks. Which issue of development aptly describes Raghav's case?

Continuity-discontinuity issue
Early-later experiences issue
Nature-nurture issue
uniformity-individuality issue


Different upbringings set children on different paths and can deepen socioeconomic divisions, especially because education is strongly linked to earnings. Children grow up learning the skills to succeed in their socioeconomic stratum. A number of questions arise when we commit ourselves to the study of human development. There are a number of issues and themes that need to be addressed at the outset of this field of study, which runs right through the experiences and theorizations on human development. Early childhood experiences can be very consequential for childrens long-term social, emotional, and cognitive development. And because those influence educational success and later earnings, early childhood experiences cast a lifelong shadow.Contemporary theorists assert that not only early life experiences but later experiences have an influence on development as well. However, what remains unanswered, is the degree of change that can take place.It is believed that much of a child's personality is completely established by the age of five. If this is indeed the case, those who have experienced deprived or abusive childhoods might never adjust or develop normally.A childs earliest experiences strongly influence his later development. Ideally, children spend their earliest years in nurturing surroundings that promote optimal brain development and provide young children with a solid foundation on which their later skills and abilities will be built.Conversely, when children grow up in an environment characterized by toxic stress, chaos, and uncertainty, their ability to develop to their full potential is hindered.Hence, we can conclude that the early-later experiences issue aptly describes Raghav's case.HintNature-nurture issue: Nature refers to the hereditary influences on human characteristics which include physical characteristics, intellectual capacities, personality traits and patterns of social interactions. Nurture as a concept, encompasses all of the environmental factors, including physical and cultural environments that influence the developmental outcomes in an individual.Continuity-discontinuity issue: The continuous-discontinuous issue addresses how developmental events manifest a smooth progression across the life stages (continuity) or a series of distinct stages (discontinuity).

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