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In Google Docs, which command would you use to double-space the text in your document?
The correct answer is Line Spacing.On your Android phone or tablet, open a document in the Google Docs app. Double-tap the place in your document, you want to edit. tap Paragraph. Next to " Line spacing," use the arrows to choose the amount of space you want between the lines in the paragraph.Additional Information Line spacing is the distance between lines of text. For example, a line spacing of 1 means the line spacing will be as large as one line, a line spacing of 2 means the line spacing will be the size of two lines, and so on.Justify and Align Left are your best options for larger blocks of text. Many universities require you to use full justification in essays, for example, as it looks neater on the page. However, publishers often prefer left alignment because it prevents 'rivers'.A bulleted list or bullet list is a series of items preceded with symbols instead of numbers. Below is an example of such a list. Item one. Item two.The Increase Indent button adds a 0.5 (1.27cm) indent at the left margin for the entire paragraph. The Decrease Indent button, meanwhile, does the exact opposite. This has the added bonus of letting you indent text by a custom amount.
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