Question Bank - Computer Networks

Here's the question bank on all the computer networks topics.

Consider a 50 kbps satellite channel with a 500 milliseconds round trip propagation delay. If the sender wants to transmit 1000 bit frames, how much time will it take for the receiver to receive the frame?

250 milliseconds
20 milliseconds
520 milliseconds
270 milliseconds


The correct answer is œoption 4.CONCEPT:Bandwidth: It is the speed of bit transmission in a channel or link per second.It is the number of bits per second that a channel, link, or network can transmit.Transmission time: It is the time between the first bit leaving the sender and the last bit arriving at the receiver.It can be calculated as :Transmission time = Message size ÷ BandwidthPropagation time: The time required by the bit to travel from source to destination is called propagation time.It can be calculated as :Propagation time = Distance ÷ propagation speedRound Trip Time(RTT): It is a time to travel from source to destination and again come back to the source.It is twice of propagation time.CALCULATION:RTT: 500 millisecondMessage size: 1000 bitsBandwidth : 50kbpsRTT = 2 x Propagation time 1. Propagation time = RTT / 2= \(\dfrac{500 \rm \ ms}{2}\) = 250 ms2. Transmission time = \(\rm \dfrac{1000 \;bits}{50 \;kbps}\)= \(\dfrac{1000}{50\times1000\times10^{-3}}\)ms= 20 msThe total time for the receiver to receive the frame= Propagation time + transmission time= 250ms + 20ms= 270msHence, the correct answer is œoption 4.

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