Question Bank - Computer Networks

Here's the question bank on all the computer networks topics.

IP address belongs to which of the following class?

Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D


Looking at the first octet of an IP address, you can identify the class of that address.Class A: 0 - 127Class B: 128 - 191Class C: 192 - 223Class D: 224 - 239Class E: 240 - 254In IP address First octet value 10 lies in between 0 to 127Therefore it belongs to Class APREFIX is the part of the Network IDClassPREFIX (bits reserved from 1st byte)Network ID (bits)Range of 1st byteNo. of IP address consumedNumber of networksIP address per networkHost per networkPercentage of IPV4 address consumed? Class A080 -12723127224224 “ 250%Class B1016128-191230214216216 “ 225%Class C11024192 -2232292212828 “ 212.5%Class D1110-224- 239228MULTICAST ADDRESS6.25%Class E1111-240-255228RESERVED FOR FUTURE6.25% Practically we can use:Class A: From 1 to 126

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