Here's the question bank on all the english pedagogy topics.
Pick the option that includes the correct matches of column A with column B. Column 'A' Column 'B'(a) filling in an immigration form(i) focusing on accuracy(b) giving a presentation at the business meeting(ii) focusing on fluency(c) calling out for help in an emergency(iii) focusing on accuracy(d) talking to friends in a party(iv) focusing on fluency
Skills of Communication:In order to communicate effectively in any language, it is important that one is able to listen with comprehension, speak with a degree of fluency and accuracy, read with comprehension and write effectively. These can be referred to as language abilities or language skills.In the process of communication, we come across various spaces where we need to differentiate between accuracy and fluency. In the above-mentioned question, we need to have that differentiation in mind, where accuracy is needed and where fluency is required.Accuracy refers to the ability to produce grammatically correct sentences. It generally includes control of grammar and pronunciation.An accuracy-based activity stresses the use of apt words, structures, and correct grammar usage. Accuracy mainly refers to speaking and writing texts without making any mistakes and comprehending the meaning correctly.Among the above-mentioned activities, while filling out an immigration form and while giving a presentation, one needs to be accurate and precise.Fluency refers to the ability to produce written or spoken language with ease and to communicate effectively. The concept of fluency is a reflection of the main objective of the speaker to produce speech that is easy to follow and free from errors.In fluency-centered speaking activities, learners are expected to express themselves in the context. It is important that the learners are able to communicate with fluency rather than being totally correct.Among the above-mentioned activities, while talking to friends in a party and while calling out for help in an emergency, one needs to be fluent, here accuracy does not matter.From the above points, we can conclude that (a) - (i), (b) - (iii), (c) - (ii), (d) - (iv) includes the correct matches of column A with column B.
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