Question Bank - EVS Pedagogy

Here's the question bank on all the evs pedagogy topics.

During an educational trip to forest at night, a student of class III draws your attention towards the "chree chree" voice made by an insect and asks, "what is it?". Another student replied , "That is the sound of stars twinkling". As an EVS teacher what would you do :

correct the student by telling that it is a voice produced by an insect
allow other students to share their responses
accept this explanation since they will learn in higher classes
ask students to search from where the voice is coming


Educational Trip is a carefully planned combination of tours, site visits, and hands-on learning opportunities, built around clear learning objectives. An educational tour is more than a vacation. It's a tool for learning and success with fun and excitement built-in. When students start a discussion regarding any educational topic the teacher should allow other students to share their responses becauseThis leads to healthy peer discussion where learning also takes place.Joyful learning takes place as students gain knowledge in the discussion method, not in the lecture method.The teacher can clarify if the students have any misconceptions then and there.Not allowing students to share their responses may make them passive and meaningful learning doesn't take place.Hence when students start a discussion regarding any educational topic the teacher should allow other students to share their responses. Additional InformationOn the other hand:correcting the student by telling them that it is a voice produced by an insect may reduce the curiosity and interest of students to learn.accepting this explanation since they will learn in higher classes may lead to misconceptions regarding the topic.asking students to search from where the voice is coming may increase the indiscipline in the trip as students scatter everywhere to search and they may even get harmed by the insects

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