Question Bank - EVS Pedagogy

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Which International organisation is for environment education?



The International Environmental Education Program (IEEP):IEEP came into existence in the year 1975.For two decades, UNESCO and UNEP led the International Environmental Education Program (1975-1995) that set out a vision for and gave practical guidance on how to mobilize education for environmental awareness.In 1976 UNESCO launched an environmental newsletter Connect as the official organ of the UNESCO-UNEP International Environmental Education Program (IEEP).Until 2007, it served as a clearinghouse to exchange information in general and to promote the aims and activities of the IEEP in particular, as well as being a network for institutions and individuals that are interested and active in environmental education. Other Organisations:UNESCO works to advance and promote science in the interests of peace, sustainable development and human security and well-being, in close collaboration with its Member States and a wide variety of partners. It is the only United Nations specialized agency, symbolized by the S in the acronym, with a specific mandate for science. Since its foundation in 1945, UNESCO has acted as a catalyst for the establishment of many, now leading, scientific unions and bodies such as CERN; and initiatives with far-reaching implications for sustainable human security and well-being, such as the Man and the Biosphere Programme, the International Hydrological Programme, and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, were launched in UNESCOs first decades.UNEP is responsible for coordinating the UN's environmental activities and assisting developing countries in having environmentally sound policies and practices. UNEP was founded in 1972 by Canadian businessman and philanthropist Maurice Strong, its first director, following the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm Conference). As a member of the United Nations Development Group, UNEP aims to help the world meet the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.UNEP is also one of the several implementing agencies for the Global Environment Facility, the Multilateral Fund for the implementation of the Montreal Protocol, and the International Cyanide Management Code.The United Nations Development Programme is an international organisation that works to eradicate poverty while protecting the planet. UNDP works in about 170 countries and territories, helping to achieve the eradication of poverty and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion. They help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities and build resilience in order to sustain development results. The headquarter of UNDP is in New York City.

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