Question Bank - EVS Pedagogy

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Which type of graph is most suitable for depicting the day-to-day variation in temperature of a place?



Explanation:A group of a large number of observations always makes misperception to the reader and he/she may understand it wrongly.If data are presented in the form of diagrams, it attracts the reader and he/she tries to understand it.We frequently talk about statistical data, may be sports statistics, statistics on rainfall, or economic statistics.These are a set of facts and figures collected by an individual or an authority on the concerned topic.These data collected are often a huge mass of haphazard numerical figures and you need to present them in a comprehensive and systematic fashion amenable to analysis.In practice, various types of diagrams are in use and new ones are constantly being added. For the sake of application and simplicity several types of diagrams are categorized under the following:Line or Linear Graph, are usually drawn to represent the time series data related to the temperature, rainfall, population growth, birth rates, and death rates.A polygraph is a line graph in which two or more than two variables are shown by an equal number of lines for immediate comparisons, such as the growth rate of different crops like rice, wheat, pulses or the birth rates, death rates, and life expectancy or sex ratio in different states or countries.Bar or column diagrams are drawn through columns of equal width. It is also called a columnar diagram.A simple Bar Diagram is constructed for an immediate comparison. It is advisable to arrange the given data set in an ascending or descending order and plot the data variables accordingly. However, time-series data are represented according to the sequencing of the time period.A histogram is a rectangular diagram where the area of each rectangle is proportional to the frequency of the respective class. Remember that histogram is appropriate for continuous data arranged into class intervals. It is not used for discrete data. The histogram is a rectangular diagram where the area of each rectangle is proportional to the frequency of the respective class. Remember that histogram is appropriate for continuous data arranged into class intervals. It is not used for discrete data.Pie diagram/chart is used when the requirement of the situation is to know the relationship between the whole of a thing and its parts, i.e. pie chart provides us the information that how the entire thing is divided up into different parts. this is widely used to show the share of different components in a variable. For example, the expenditure of a library on different heads can be shown in the form of a pie chart. Suppose for the financial year 2004-05 you have budget data of a library.A circles Diagram is another form of preparing the two-dimensional diagram is circle diagram. As in the square diagram we took given numerical figures/observations as the areas of the corresponding squares. Similarly, here we take given numerical figures/observations as areas of the corresponding circles.Pictograms or pictorial graphs, also known as picture grams, are very frequently used in representing statistical data. Pictograms are drawn with the help of pictures. These diagrams indicate towards the nature of the represented facts. Pictograms are attractive and easy to comprehend and as such this method is particularly useful in presenting statistics to the layman. Thus, a Linear graph is most suitable for depicting the day-to-day variation in temperature of a place.

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