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Direction: A reference is given to each of the following words. From the given options, select the word or phrase closest to the word's meaning in the relevant context.Breach: Tennis player breached previous world record.
The correct answer is To break?.The word Breach means (to) break, split, rupture. Ex: they hoped to avoid a breach in relations.?The phrase 'To break' is the closest word to the word 'Beach'.Let's look at the meaning and examples of the given words: Words/phraseMeaningExampleMissFail to perceive or to catch with the senses or the mindShe missed his pointRefusedShow unwillingness towardshe refused to join the group on a hikeCheatedhe refused to join the group on a hike.She cheats on her husband Therefore, by reading the above explanation we find that the correct answer is Option 1.
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