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ItemsCost Rs.Profit %Marked Price Rs.P5,400---5,860Q---2510,000Details of prices of two items P and Q are presented in the above table. The ratio of cost of item P to cost of item Q is 3 ? 4. Discount is calculated as the difference between the marked price and the selling price. The profit percentage is calculated as the ratio of the difference between selling price and cost, to the cost(profit % = \(\frac{{Selling \ price - Cost}}{{Cost}}\)× 100).The discount on item Q, as a percentage of its marked price, is ______
Given:The Marked price of Q is 10,000Calculation:? The cost price of Q = 5400 × (4/3) = 7200? The selling price of Q = 7200 × (5/4) = 90,00? Discount % on Q = (10000 - 9000)/10000 × (100) = 10%? The required result will be 10%.
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