Question Bank - General Knowledge

Here's the question bank on all the general knowledge topics.

AGMARKNET website provides the information on (a) Consumer preferences (b) Prices of Agricultural products(c) Suppliers (d) All of the above

(a) and (b) only
(b) and (c) only
(a) and (c) only
(d) only


The correct answer is (d) only.Agmarknet portal is a government of India portal on agricultural marketing backed by a wide area information network connecting agricultural markets, State Marketing boards/Directorates, and also providing linkages to the websites of the important National and International Organisations.The portal provides the following information relating to agricultural marketing in India:Market-related informationPrice related informationInfrastructure related informationMarket requirement related informationThe portal provides easy access to commodity-wise, variety-wise daily prices and arrivals information of more than 2000 varieties and about 300 commodities from the wholesale markets spread all over the country.The portal is run by the Directorate of Marketing & Inspection with the technical assistance of NIC as a consultant on a Turn-key basis.The main users of the Agmarknet website are Farmers, Traders, Research Institutes, Exporters, Commodity Boards/Various Government Departments.

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