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Consider the following statements :(A) By 36th amendment of 1975, Sikkim was awarded the status of full-fledge state of the Union of India.(B) According to Article 371(F) of Indian Constitution the Legislative Assembly of the state of Sikkim shall consist of not less than thirty members. Which of the statement/s given above is/are correct?
The correct answer is (A) and (B).Sikkim became the 22nd State of India by 36th Amendment Act 1975.Full-fledged State of the Indian Union with effect from 26 April 1975.The Act provides that the Legislative Assembly of Sikkim shall consist of not less than thirty-two members.Sikkim is situated in the North East of the union and has a geographical area of 7096 KM.It has a population of 5 lakhs and 40 thousand.Article 371F was incorporated into the Constitution in 1975.It states that the Legislative Assembly shall consist of not less than 30 members.
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