Question Bank - General Knowledge

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In a group discussion on shape and size of the Earth, three students stated the following points :1. Student 1: The shape of the Earth is basically an oblate spheroid.2. Student 2: The polar diameter of the Earth is more than the equatorial diameter.3. Student 3: Bulge along the equatorial region is due to revolution of the Earth.Who among the above students is/are correct?

Student 1 only
Student 1 and Student 2 only
Student 2 and Student 3 only
Student 1, Student 2 Student 3


The correct answer is Option 1.Shape and size of the EarthAs the earth is slightly flattened at the poles, the linear distance of a degree of latitude at the pole is a little longer than that at the equator.For example at the equator (0°) it is 68.704 miles, at 45° it is 69.054 miles and at the poles, it is 69.407 miles. The average is taken as 69 miles (111km).Earth is not a perfect sphere. Its shape is an oblate spheroid. This just means that it flattens at the poles and widens out at the equator. Hence, Statement 1 is correct.The radius of the earth is different at both poles and the equator.The equatorial diameter( twice of radius) is 12756 km but, the polar diameter is 12713 km. Hence, Statement 2 is not correct.The Earth has a rather slight equatorial bulge. it is about 43 km (27 mi) wider at the equator than pole-to-pole, a difference which is close to 1/300 of the diameter.The rotation of the earth also affects the sea level, the imaginary surface that is used to measure altitudes.The Earth is wider at the equator than from pole to pole, mainly because the centrifugal forces of its rotation make it bulge outwards. Hence, Statement 3 is not correct.Satellites can measure their average shape using gravity and altitude data.

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