Question Bank - General Knowledge

Here's the question bank on all the general knowledge topics.

The inspiration for the adoption of the Parliamentary form of government was drawn by the framers of the Constitution of India from _________.

United States of America


The correct answer is Britain.Provisions were borrowed by our Constitution makers from the British constitutionLaw-making ProcedureFirst Past the PostParliamentary Form of Government The idea of the Rule of Law Institution of the Speaker and her/his role Law-making procedureImportant Points Provisions were borrowed by our Constitution makers from the Canadian Constitution A quasi-federal form of government (a federal system with a strong central government) The idea of Residual PowersProvisions were borrowed by our Constitution makers from Irish Constitution Directive Principles of State Policy Provisions were borrowed by our Constitution makers from the French Constitution Principles of Liberty, Equality, and FraternityProvisions were borrowed by our Constitution makers from the United States Constitution Charter of Fundamental Rights Power of Judicial Review and independence of the judiciaryProvisions were borrowed by our Constitution makers from JapanProcedure Established by law.

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