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Where was the headquarters of the Ghadar movement/party?
The correct answer is San Francisco.Ghadar party:Ghadar party was an extremist revolutionary organization founded by Sikhs in the US and Canada.Its aim was to overthrow British rule by using force and free India from foreign domination.Ghadar Party was formed in 1913.In 1913, Pacific Coast Hindustan Association was founded by Lala Hardayal with Sohan Singh Bhakna as its president, which was called Ghadar Party.Sohan Singh Bhakna was the Founding President of the Ghadar Party.Har Dayal was the General Secretary of the Ghadar Party.The party had its headquarters in San Francisco.Its key members were Bhai Parmanand, Kartar Singh Sarabha, Abdul Hafiz Mohamed Barakatullah, Rashbehari Bose and Gulab Kaur.The masthead of the paper carried the inscription in bold letters,‚¬ Angrezi Raj ka Dushman (An enemy of the British rule)‚¬ and also had a feature article on the front page of each issue under the title, ‚¬Å“Angrezi Raj ka Kacha Chitta‚¬Å“.The first issue of The Ghadar was published in San Francisco on 1 November 1913.It was formally dissolved in 1948 due to interior controversies.
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