Question Bank - General Knowledge

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Which of the following works of Kalidasa is based on the context of the birth of Kartikeya, the son of God Shiva and Goddess Parvati?



The correct answer is Kumarasambhava.Kumarasambhava:Kumarasambhava poem is one of the greatest epic poems written by the famous poet Kalidasa.It is one of the gems of Sanskrit literatureThe poem is often called Kumarasambhavam Kalidasa.Given here is a short summary of the Kumarasambhava, which basically talks about the birth of Kumara, the first son of Lord Shiva and Parvati.The poem has been divided into seventeen chapters and basically talks about the courtship of Lord Shiva and Parvati.It is said that a powerful demon named Tarakasur was blessed that none except the child of Lord Shiva could kill him.However, Shiva had curtailed the desire for love through intense meditation.Due to the great efforts of Parvati and through much penance, she won the love of Lord Shiva.After some time, Shiva and Parvati were blessed with a son whom they named Karthikeya.He grew up and killed the demon and restored peace and the glory of Lord Indra and the divine world.Thus ends the beautiful Kumarasambhava written by Kalidasa.It is regarded as one of the greatest literary works of all time.Additional InformationKalidasa:Kalidasa (active late 4th-early 5th century) was classical India's master poet and dramatist.He demonstrated the expressive and suggestive heights of which the Sanskrit language is capable and revealed the very essence of an entire civilization.Literary work of Kalidasa:Literary work - PlaysDescription1 Malavikaagnimitra It depicts love story of Agnimitra and Malvika2 Vikramorvashiiya It is based story of Pururavaas and Urvashii3 AbhiGYaanashaakuntalaThe story of Dushyanta and ShakuntalaLiterary work - PoemsDescription1 KumarasambhavaIt is based on the context of the birth of Kartikeya, the son of God Shiva and Goddess Parvati2 Raghuvamsha It depicts the life of Rama, together with a record of his ancestors and descendantsLiterary work ‚¬œ Lyric PoemsDescription1 MeghadutaThe theme of this long lyrical poem is a message sent by an exiled Yaksha in Central India to his wife in the Himalayas, his envoy being a megha or cloud2 RitusamharaA poem describing the six seasons of the year in all their changing aspects.

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