Question Bank - General Knowledge

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Which one of the following suggestions is effective in controlling air pollution?

Driving diesel vehicles
Using fossil fuel as a source of energy
Using alternate sources of energy
Having industries far away from human dwellings


Fossil fuels are made from the decomposition of plants and animals these fuels are mainly found in the crust of the earth and are made up of carbon and hydrogen, hence while burning fossil fuels it causes air pollution by ejecting carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, Sulfer, and particulate matter so fossil fuel is main responsible air pollution.Diesel, Petrol, Coal, oil, and natural oils are some examples of fossil fuels.?If industries are built or operate far away from human dwellings it will definitely reduce or diminish the noise pollution but the amount of exhausted air remains the same in the environment hence it is not a feasible solution because it's far away from human dwellings its impact would be definitely low but no zero on human dwellings. The best practice or solution for the fight against air pollution is to rely on alternate sources of energy which are wind energy, solar energy, tidal energy, Hydro energy, bio mass-energy, etc. because these energy sources actually have zero carbon footprint on the environment and actually these energies are free recyclable hence are best to replace conventional sources of energy.

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