Question Bank - General Knowledge

Here's the question bank on all the general knowledge topics.

While watching news, you hear about a place, of which you had never heard earlier. You want to know more about the place and you want to locate it on the map. Which of the following is/are required for you to be able to locate the place on the map?

Only latitude of the place
Only longitude of the place
Both longitude and latitude of the place
Latitude, longitude and altitude of the place


The correct answer is Option 3.Latitude and longitudeThe grid helps people to locate places on the map.On small-scale maps, the grid is often made up of latitude and longitude lines.Latitude lines run east-west around the globe, parallel to the Equator, an imaginary line that circles the middle of the Earth.Longitude lines run north-south, from pole to pole.Latitude and longitude provide an absolute location for a place on the globe. We can locate places on the globe by determining where lines on latitude and longitude cross.Another way to describe the location is to use reference lines to describe coordinates, or absolute position, on the globe.Two types of imaginary reference lines are used to locate positions or points and to make accurate globes and maps. These lines are called parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude. Hence, Option 3 is correct.Latitude is the angular distance of a point on the surface, from the central part of the Earth.While lines joining the North Pole to the South Pole are called longitude lines earth is divided into a total of 360 longitude lines.Longitude and latitude are both measured in degree.

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