Question Bank - General Science

Here's the question bank on all the general science topics.

Which of the followings are known as Amphibians of plant kingdom?



The correct answer is Bryophytes are often referred to as the amphibians of the plant kingdom.Bryophytes are small, non-vascular plants.The reproduction of Bryophytes is via spores.Bryophytes live in the soil, even though they need water for sexual reproduction this is the reason why the Bryophytes are often referred to as the amphibians of the plant kingdom.Bryophytes are generally classified into three coordinate phyla namely the liverworts, hornworts, and mosses.Additional InformationGymnosperms:?Gymnosperms are non-flowering, seed-bearing plants.Fruits are not formed due to the lack of floral parts.Seeds are formed on the inner side of scale-like leaves that are spirally arranged into a cone.These seeds are dispersed on maturation.Angiosperms:?Angiosperms are vascular plants.They have stems, roots, and leaves.Angiosperms are also known as ‚¬Å“flowering plants‚¬ because flowers are a characteristic part of their reproductive structure.Angiosperm seeds are found in a flower.Angiosperm eggs are fertilized and develop into a seed in an ovary that is usually in a flower.The flowers of angiosperms have male or female reproductive organs.

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