Question Bank - General Science

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Which one of the following is the correct molecular formula of ammonium carbonate if the valency of ammonium ion is (+1) and carbonate anion is (-2)?



Explanation:Ammonium Carbonate:Ammonium carbonate is a white solid crystalline powder with a strong odour of ammonia.It is considered an acidic salt.It has a boiling point of 520°C and a melting point of 58°C.It is used to make baking powder, smelling salt etc.It is found to be soluble in water.It undergoes a neutralization reaction with most of the bases.Ammonium carbonate decomposes when heated into hydrochloric acid and ammonia,It has a symbolic representation of (NH4)CO3.Its molar mass is equal to 96.09 g/mol.Calculation:Ammonium carbonate is formed by two sets of ionsCation of ammonium ion (NH4+) and anion of carbonate (CO32-)The charge on ammonium ion (NH4+) is +1 and that of carbonate (CO32-) is -2, thusThe molecular formula will be (NH4+) x 2 = +2 and (CO32-) x 1 = -2Here, +2 and -2 charges will balance each other to form (NH4)CO3.

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