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E-commerce involves buying and selling of:
E-commerce refers to the process of buying or selling products or services over the Internet. Online shopping is becoming increasingly popular because of the speed and ease of use for customers. E-business activities such as selling online can be directed at consumers or other businesses. Business to Consumer (B2C) involves the online sales of goods, services and provision of information directly to consumers. Business to Business (B2B) refers to the online exchange of products, services, or information between businesses. Selling online can help the business reach new markets and increase sales and revenue gains. If anyone is interested in selling to other businesses, one can use the Internet to find sales leads, announce calls for tender, and offer products for sale (either through own website or through an e-marketplace site). Searching for products and services online can save time and money by allowing them to find the best prices without having to do all the legwork. One can use the Internet to find new suppliers, post buying requests, or search for products and services. The benefits of effective B2B e-commerce include lower costs associated with selecting suppliers, establishing prices, ordering, and finalizing transactions. Online trading networks can also be used to support efficient information exchange between buyers and sellers.
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