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Given below are two statements :Statement I: Data base refers to a collection of logically related data.Statement II: The purpose of assembly language is to bring man and computer together.In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Important PointsDatabase:Database refers to a collection of logically related information organized so that it can be easily accessible, managed, and updated. Databases are generally accessed electronically from a computer system and are usually controlled by a database management system (DBMS)Hence, statement I is true. Assembly language:Assembly language is a type of low-level computer programming language which allows the designer to program in terms of the machine instructions that a specific processor can perform. Since binary machine-code instructions are difficult to understand directly, assembly-language programs are expressed in a symbolic notation. There is a one-to-one correspondence between each assembly-language instruction and a machine-code instruction. The correct answer is Statement I is true but Statement II is false. Additional InformationBroadly the computer language can be classified into three categories assembly language, machine language, and high-level languagemachine language is one of the basic low-level languages that only a computer understands and is written in binary code or machine and is basically comprised of only two digits €“ 1 and 0. The high-level language allows the programmer to write programs for all types of computers and systems in the form of simple English or mathematical expressions. . Every instruction in a high-level language is converted to machine language for the computer to comprehend.
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