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How many unique combinations of 0's and 1's can be made with 5-binary-digit code?
Five-bit Communications Protocol (FCP):The Five-bit Communications Protocol (FCP) is a method of communicating, which uses two states (expressed as '1' and '0') to represent characters in fixed five-bit code sizes and also defines a standard procedure for transmissions. This protocol is designed to be easily retained in memory. It can also, however, be used to send and receive transmissions effectively without requiring complete memorization of the codes by following a written reference sheet. The character sets can easily be recreated and written down on a sheet of paper with a minimal amount of memorization of the patterns in the character sets. This protocol can be used to communicate between two persons provided there is some way to represent two distinct states (expressed as '1' and '0') to send the five-bit characters. An individual can create a €œ32€ five-bit combination starting with €œ00000€ and then counting the binary number until the combination €œ11111€ is reached. You can calculate all the 32 numbers by starting from the right side with the last-bit column. And then you can move to the left and repeat the €œ0€ and €œ1€ alternatives. Hence, 32 unique combinations of 0's and 1's can be made with a 5-binary digit code.
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