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In computers, a DVD-ROM is:
DVD-ROM stands for Digital Versatile Disk-Read Only Memory. DVD-ROM is a data storage device in which information, once written, cannot be modified. This 'write' protection affords the assurance that the data cannot be tampered with once it is written to the device. ROM protects the important files by keeping them safe and intact. It ensures the highest level of integrity and data security by eliminating the risk of important data being deleted or modified. This way, the ROM helps to preserve the authenticity and safety of recorded data. Thus, a DVD-ROM is an optical storage media and it can be written only once. DVD-RAM is a DVD (optical disc) technology for high-capacity data storage for computers. Like ordinary random access memory (RAM), it can be repeatedly read, written to, and erased. Intended mostly for removable computer storage, DVD-RAM provides the capabilities of Rewriteable CD (CD-RW) - users can run programs from the discs, copy files to them and rewrite or delete them.
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