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Multimedia files are the documents that contain a confirmation of :(A) Text(B) Photograph(C) Video(D) Computer(E) AudioChoose the correct answer from the options given below :
Solution-Multimedia files are the documents that contain a confirmation of- Text, photograph, video, audio, animation. Important PointsThe word multi and media are combined to form the word multimedia. The word €œmulti€ signifies €œmany. € Multimedia is a type of medium that allows information to be easily transferred from one location to another. Multimedia is the presentation of text, pictures, audio, and video with links and tools that allow the user to navigate, engage, create, and communicate using a computer. Multimedia can be recorded for playback on computers, laptops, smartphones, and other electronic devices, either on-demand or in real-time (streaming). Additional Information A Multimedia Application is an application that uses a collection of multiple media sources e. g. text, graphics, images, sound/audio, animation, and/or video. A multimedia computer combines the basic capabilities of a regular computer with hardware and features that make it ideal for viewing and editing multimedia sources.
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