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The characteristic of a computer which specifies constant and earnest in effort and application is called ______.
The correct answer is Diligence. Characteristics of Computer:Diligence: A computer can perform millions of tasks or calculations with the same consistency and accuracy. It doesnt feel any fatigue or lack of concentration. Its memory also makes it superior to that of human beings. Important PointsSpeed: A computer works with much higher speed and accuracy compared to humans while performing mathematical calculations. Computers can process millions (1,000,000) of instructions per second. The time taken by computers for their operations is microseconds and nanoseconds. Accuracy: Computers perform calculations with 100% accuracy. Errors may occur due to data inconsistency or inaccuracy. Versatility: Versatility refers to the capability of a computer to perform different kinds of works with the same accuracy and efficiency. Reliability: A computer is reliable as it gives consistent results for a similar set of data i. e. if we give the same set of input any number of times, we will get the same result. Automation: The computer performs all the tasks automatically i. e. it performs tasks without manual intervention. Memory: A computer has built-in memory called primary memory where it stores data. Secondary storage is removable devices such as CDs, pen drives, etc. , which are also used to store data. Hence, the correct answer is Diligence.
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