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The Recycle Bin is an area in Windows OS that contains files deleted from the:(A) Hard drive(B) Pen drive(C) CD-ROMChoose the correct answer from the options given below:
The Recycle Bin is a location where deleted files or folders are temporarily stored. The Recycle Bin allows the users to restore the files that were deleted in the Windows OS. Deleted files:The deleted files will be moved to the Recycle Bin, but in some cases, it will be removed directly too. Things will be different when the files are deleted from different storage devices like hard disk drives and flash drives. When files are deleted from the internal or the external hard drives, the deleted files can be restored back from the Recycle Bin and it will appear in the same folder it was present at the first time. When the files are deleted from the flash drive i. e. USB device like Pen drive or memory card and CD-ROM will not be put in the Recycle Bin, instead, all the relevant parameters of the file will be cleared immediately. Therefore, the Recycle Bin is an area in Windows OS that contains files deleted from the hard drive.
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