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Which of the following is a disadvantage of laptop computers in comparison to desktop computers?
A laptop is a portable computer used for various reasons. ;The disadvantage of laptop computers in comparison to desktop computers are the following: ?The first disadvantage of utilizing a laptop is that it does not have any tolerance. The disadvantage of utilizing a laptop computer is that it is a highly fragile technology. The cost of a laptop computer is one of the disadvantages of utilizing one. Another downside of utilizing a laptop computer is that the data stored on it is not secure and easier to break or steal. A laptop computer always required updates on a regular basis. A disadvantage of utilizing a laptop computer is that the battery backup only lasts for a short period of time. ?Thus, It is easier to break or steal is a disadvantage of laptop computers in comparison to desktop computers. Additional Information Advantages of Laptop are: ?Portability Instant ResultLightweightInternet AccessSmall In Size
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