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Which of the following process allows multiple users to have interactive access to a computer system simultaneously in such a way that all users feel that he/she is the sole user of the system?
A time-sharing system allows many users to share computer resources simultaneously. In other words, time sharing refers to the allocation of computer resources in time slots to several programs simultaneously. For example, a mainframe computer that has many users logged on to it. Important Points Multiprocessing, in computing, a mode of operation in which two or more processors in a computer simultaneously process two or more different portions of the same program (set of instructions). . . . For example, different processors may be used to manage memory storage, data communications, or arithmetic functions. Multitasking, in computing, is the concurrent execution of multiple tasks over a certain period of time. New tasks can interrupt already started ones before they finish, instead of waiting for them to end. Multiprogramming operating system has the ability to execute multiple programs using only one processor machine. One example is User can use MS-Excel, download apps, transfer data from one point to another point, Firefox or Google Chrome browser, and more at the same time. ?Confusion PointsTherefore, Timesharing is a process that allows multiple users to have interactive access to a computer system simultaneously in such a way that all users feel that he/she is the sole user of the system.
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