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Which security service prevents either sender or receiver from denying a transmitted message
The correct answer is Nonrepudiation. Nonrepudiation prevents either sender or receiver from denying a transmitted message. Nonrepudiation ensures that no party can deny that it sent or received a message via encryption and/or digital signatures or approved some information. Additional InformationIntegrity: Integrity means that data or information in your system is maintained so that it is not modified or deleted by unauthorized parties. This is an important element of data hygiene, reliability and accuracy. Confidentiality: Confidentiality is one of the core concepts of cybersecurity. confidentiality ensures that secret information is protected from unauthorized disclosure. Protecting confidentiality is a responsibility shared between technologists and everyone else in the organization. Authentication : The process of authentication in the context of computer systems means assurance and confirmation of a user's identity. Before a user attempts to access information stored on a network, he or she must prove their identity and permission to access the data.
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