Question Bank - Law Officer

Here's the question bank on all the law officer topics.

Select the correct statements.a. A citizen enjoys all the civil rights in the State.b. A citizen enjoys all the political rights in the State.c. An alien enjoys all the civil rights in the State.d. An alien enjoys all the political rights in the State.

Only a, b and c
Only a, b and d
Only a and b
Only a, c and d


The Correct Answer is a, b and c.Important PointsThe population of a state is divided into two categories:citizens non-citizens.A citizen of a state enjoys all civil and political rights. A non-citizen, on the other hand, doesnt enjoy these rights.Under the Indian constitution, certain fundamental rights are available only to the citizens, such as Right against discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth (Article 15); right to equality of opportunity in the matter of public employment (Article 16); freedom of speech and expression, assembly, association, movement, residence and profession (Article 19); cultural and educational rights (Article 29 and 30); and right to vote and become members of the union and state legislatures while these rights are not available to the alien person. Hence statement a and b are correct.Also, there is a category of friendly aliens and enemy alien.The friendly alien enjoys all the civil rights in the country.But they do not enjoy all the political rights like rights mentioned in Article 15, 16, 19, 29, 30 which are exclusively available to the citizen of India.

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