Question Bank - Law Officer

Here's the question bank on all the law officer topics.

Which one is False as per the relevant provisions of the Indian Contract Act. 1872?

A void agreement is one that is not enforceable by law
Assignment is the obvious mode of discharge of a contract
Where a party waives its rights under the contract, the other party is released of its obligations under the contract
Where the subject matter of a contract is destroyed for no fault of the promisor. the contract does not become void by impossibility of performance


The assignment is not the obvious mode of discharge of a contract.All agreements are not contract. Only those agreements which are enforceable by law are contracts. Following are the essential requirements of a valid contract.Offer and its acceptance 'Free consent of both partiesMutual and lawful consideration for agreement It should be enforceable by law. Hence, the intention should be to create a legal relationship. Agreements of social or domestic nature are not contractsParties should be competent to contractAn object should be lawfulCertainty and possibility of performanceThe contract should not have been declared as void under the Contract Act or any other law A contract can be discharged by performance, Mutual agreement, Impossibility of performance, Lapse of time, breach of contract, remission or due to merger of rights.A contract may be deemed void should the terms require one or both parties to participate in an illegal act, or if a party becomes incapable of meeting the terms.Alternatively, a contract is voidable when one or both parties were not legally capable of entering into the agreement, such as when one party is a minor.

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